Welcome to EVN Law! I am Thor Roundy. I am an attorney, but I am also a business owner, like you. Unlike other law firms, EVN Law focuses on the small business owner. I'm here to help your business grow.
Early in 2012, I finally took the step to open a Facebook account. I recognized that eventually every business needs to begin using social media to keep in touch with clients and prospects. I was shocked by what I discovered. There were literally hundreds of small businesses that had no relationship with an attorney, and most seemed to have very limited business training. I realized just how many business owners are learning business from their own experience, instead of from a trained business professional. That's when I made the decision to change the focus of my law business.
I am a businessman, just like you. For over 20 years, I've walked in your shoes (and still do!). Besides my legal practice, I've owned and operated many successful companies in the manufacturing, software, real estate and insurance industries. (You can read my bio if you're interested.)
Most of us have heard that 80% of small businesses fail within the first two years. As I began meeting small business owners through social networking, I quickly understood why there is such a high failure rate. It's easy to start your own business, but most small business owners don't have access to the expertise they need to become truly successful. I also understand that not every small business can afford to hire an attorney. Some don't understand why they would need an attorney.
In an attempt to fill the gap, I offered to consult to several local small businesses without a fee, just to help them discover the basics of operating a successful small business. I quickly ran out of time. I realized that the only way to help the vast majority of small businesses succeed was to share my knowledge online. At EVN Law, I can do just that.
Every successful company has a distinct structure, depending upon the industry in which it operates. Creating a model that illustrates the structure of your business is my specialty. Using our website as my platform, www.EVNlaw.com, I can give you FREE counsel about operating your small business more successfully. I'm sharing information that will teach you the fundamentals that you haven't learned through your experience to date. I want you to understand what it means to become a legally healthy business. Through EVN Law, you can become a more successful business owner.
I welcome every small business to become a friend or client of EVN Law. To start, you can access our FREE download: Your Legal Health Check-up.
I invite you to build a relationship with us. Connect with us socially. Read our free information. Learn what you need to know. When you identify something that you really need, reach out to us and we'll be here.
Your attorney and new best friend,

Thor Roundy
[email protected]
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