In business, I care about two things: my relationship with my clients and building successful businesses. That means, I care about the success of your business.
To accomplish my goals, I have focused first on building successful and enduring relationships with my clients. The key to my long lasting relationships is trust. Trust takes time and loyalty, especially being an attorney! My clients trust me to take care of their business, because they've seen that I know what I am doing. They know I understand business and the legal system. My clients also trust me because I have a history of putting them first. While creating trust in my ability comes very quickly, the trust my clients place in our relationship is built over time. What my clients have come to realize is that having a relationship with an attorney is very important.
In order to meet new clients, build relationships and make an impact, you must connect with new people and expand your sphere of influence. The creation of represents the addition of technology to the business of law. There are three ways I expect my legal platform to help build more successful businesses.
1. Technology Provides Leverage.

In 2012, I finally opened a Facebook account and began networking with local small businesses on the Internet. I was shocked by what I discovered. There were literally hundreds of small business owners that had no relationship with any attorney, and most of them had very little business experience.
I offered to consult to several local small businesses without any fee, just to help them discover the basics of operating a successful small business. I quickly ran out of time.
I decided that the only way to help the vast majority of small business owners was to use technology to provide free basic information about operating a business successfully. is part of a larger platform that I am building to bring more legal and business knowledge to local communities. I only have time to meet personally with a few clients, but my website can reach out to everyone.
2. Businesses Need Better Relationships.

As a businessman and lawyer, I have seen how good relationships build profitable businesses, and how bad relationships can tear a business down. I often explain to business partners, “The contract between the two of you is a road map. By putting it in writing, I am making sure the two of you have discussed key business considerations. When it is signed, you can leave it in the drawer as long as the two of you get along. But when you can't get along, pull it out and remind yourself how you have agreed to address problems.” Business success depends upon people honoring their commitments.
Businesses also need good relationships with their clients and prospective clients. As I ventured into social media circles, I made two observations. First, businesses were doing a lot of advertising on social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn to reach new clients. And second, very few businesses had any idea how to turn that advertising into real relationships that would benefit their business. In fact, the average business does nothing to build better relationships.
A little bit of thought goes a long way in relationships. You should have learned this at home. Your spouse and kids would like to hear from you occasionally. If you care, then you think about them. And if you are thinking about them, you do something to show it. Apply that to your clients and prospects. If you put their business card in a drawer and forget about them, it shows. If you put their name in a database and develop a strategy to reach out, add value, and invite their response, those people who value good relationships will respond.
The companies who will be the most successful in our ever-changing world will be those who create lasting relationships with professionals, like your attorney at EVN Law. The value professionals bring to your business goes beyond adding another friend or a networking contact. We bring solid business expertise that will help you reach a higher level in your business. And when you reach a higher level, you will attract more of the people you would like to have as customers of your business.
3. Sharing Information… For Free.

Before anyone purchases legal services, they need to know a little about what they really need. What kind of advice can a lawyer offer to your business? Why is it important? What are the risks or challenges that my business is facing? Is a lawyer the right person to help me?
Statistics are interesting. Most of us have heard that 80% of small businesses fail within the first two years. As I began meeting small business owners by venturing into social networking, I quickly understood why there is such a high failure rate. It is easy to start your own business, but most small business owners don't have access to the professional expertise they need to become successful. They don't know what they don't know, and they don't know why they aren't more successful.
As a lawyer, I have been exposed to hundreds of business. I know the law, and I know how successful businesses operate. I would love to have every small business become a client of EVN Law, LLC. I am growing the firm to meet the need for good legal services and business advisory. But not every small business is ready to pay for my services. Either they can't afford to pay hourly fees to an attorney, or they just don't know what they really need.
There is some information that I think every business needs. I am posting it on my website where it can be accessed for free. I am sharing information that will teach you about the law. I want you to understand what it means to be healthy personally from a legal standpoint. I want you to understand business basics, so that you can be successful as an entrepreneur or as an employee. I want to expose you to the way that a professional thinks about business, and let you discover for yourself the value it has to you.
I have no need to charge my clients to repeat the same thing over and over. When you hire EVN Law, I want to give you more than your money's worth. Go through the free content. Learn what you need to know. And when you identify something that you really need, reach out and we will be here.
Welcome to
Attorney and your new best friend,
Thor Roundy

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